Work continues in August!

The Adopt a Home programme , which began on July the 1st, is underway! In the first month of activities will attend a total of 38 volunteers, including 11 coming from Spain, France, Czech Republic, Belarus and Ukraine through the Service Civil International volunteering program.

Participants from different fields, with or without experience in restoration work, took part in the restoration activities in building or strengthening the masonry for the cellar walls or the retaining walls (Mauri) and reconstruction work needed for the Annex. From students or recent graduates of architecture or construction universities, cooks, electricians or simply people with great desire to help – all found their place in our program. We thank them all for their wonderful contribution!


Work continues in August! We invite you to sign up as a volunteer, under the same conditions as before, for weeks 5 to 9 August, August 19 to 23 and August 26 to 30, using the application form or a message to our email address
During the FanFest Festival, which will take place from August 15 to 18, you can attend a series of demonstrative workshops to be held as part of the Adopt a house Programme. These workshops will benefit from the participation of local craftsmen and will focus on the revitalization of traditional crafts

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like making shingles, masonry mortar of lime, dry masonry (mauri), and plaster with lime mortar.



The restoration program needs materials which, unfortunately, are very expensive. But it also needs these wonderful people who dedicate their free time and energy for the heritage of Rosia Montana. So far, food was provided from donations, but our current needs are beyond the organizers possibilities for the moment. You can contribute by donating any food (priority are: sugar, oil, rice, pasta, bread, sweets, preserves of any kind, vegetables and fruits)! For food donations please contact us by phone 0364-104706 or e-mail:

Donations in money are needed to buy materials and contracting some services that cannot be provided by volunteers. You can consult our assessments for each construction included in our program by following the links below (in Romanian):

Casă tradiţională (sec. XIX) Ţarina, Roşia Montană, nr. 1248
Casa parohială unitariană (sec. XVIII, 1933) Roşia Montană nr. 391
Biserica unitariană (1796) Roşia Montană nr. 530
Casă din Piaţa centrală (1939), Roşia Montană nr. 321

If you want to support the activities and the work we carry out, you can donate by PayPal or directly into account, by bank transfer.
Thanks for all the support shown so far!
Adopt a house team at Rosia Montana

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