Design&build for heritage promotion
Design & Build is a type of activity through which we address the need for new solutions for various situations arising on the site, other than the classic interventions on heritage buildings that give the specificity of our program. Whether it’s about expansions or restorations of historic buildings, in contemporary language (as was the case with the annex of the mining house in Țarina), or the extensive arrangement of the protection of the Lapidarium in the premises of the former State Mining Enterprise, up to the viewpoints located in the key points of the site or simple informative panels – these involve the students from the idea phase, then the technical solution phase and finally, the practical realization of the structures.
The purpose of these interventions is to respond to a need that is too often ignored: the need for information at hand, the need for a structuring of the tourist route, modeling and filtering the architecture / development solution through the filter of the local community, along with which we choose locations, technical solutions adapted, intervention priorities.
▷ ▷ Campaign 2024
In the 2024 Campaign, we plan to continue the activities started in 2022 and continued in 2023. Thus, four interventions will be designed and build to promote and present heritage features, two at design level for similar initiatives of local community partners and two lookout platforms located on the Rotundul and Colțuri Massifs: – activity plan 2024.
▷ Campaign 2023
Solutions programmed before the start of the campaign have been reconfigured. At the request of the Mining Museum in Roșia Montană, for which we also designed and built the Lapidarium in previous years, we designed the supports and graphics of 15 explanatory panels for the premises of the former Mining Company and the external exhibits.
Following the consultation with the community, which annually organizes series of events with the public, it became necessary to design and execute an infrastructure for these events. Thus, for this objective, two sanitary groups and the stage for musical events were made.
The area where the musical event took place, Tăul Brazi, was also furnished with two elements of infrastructure and promotion of the local technical heritage. A large-scale “frame” was made to emphasize the element of industrial technical heritage – the Tăul Brazi artificial lake. Also, a larger wooden swing was configured and positioned so that the topography and the industrial heritage element are as visible as possible when using the swing – activity report 2023.
▷ Campaign 2022
In the 2022 Campaign, 4 heritage promotion solutions were implemented in accordance with the results of the community consultation. From the four solutions for intervention in the public space and accompanying the heritage and natural objectives in Roșia Montană, 3 chapters were put into operation, displays presenting the places where the main scenes from the films made in Roșia Montană in the 70s were shot , a viewpoint and heritage presentation in the Văidoaie Massif and a presentation-kiosk space, located in the Old Square – activity report 2022. The fourth solution, along with 3 other interventions are proposed to be implemented in the 2023 campaign.
▷ 2020-21 Campaign
The most extensive intervention of this type carried out through the Adopt a House program is, certainly, the restoration of the arrangement and protective construction of the Lapidarium of the Mining Museum in Roșia Montană. The project was both a major emergency (the previous, improper arrangement had collapsed on top of the collection of Roman lithic exhibits), but also a very good opportunity to imagine and create a solution commensurate with these exhibits, with the involvement of community members who also contributed financially , since the beginning of the intervention. The project was completed and inaugurated in the winter of 2022, when the thematic guide dedicated to the Lapidarium was also launched.
More details about the intervention: here.